Blog Archives
July 23, 2019
June 2019 Meeting
Happy Flag Day!
Michael Timmes opened the meeting with introductions. Passing the mic allows us to get to know our members and share some basic HR related announcements.
Welcome New Members: Barbara Guarino, Mara Gross, and Monet Laws. Glad to have you as part of our chapter.
And, welcome to our Guest: Dorothy Ventrone. Hope you enjoyed the meeting and hope to see you again soon.
We would like to congratulate member Millicent Small Williams for recently obtained her citizenship.
June 13, 2019
May 2019 Meeting
It was fun to be back at the racetrack again. Too bad for Maximum Security, you broke our hearts and some members wallets. But we decided to name you the JSAHR Horse of the Year. Best bet that we didn’t make. Remember we will be back at the Jumping Brook next month.
Michael Timmes, our chapter President, opened the meeting as we passed the mic for intro’s.
June 13, 2019
April 2019 Meeting
This month’s meeting was held at Monmouth Park Racetrack. The venue was a fun place to discuss the hot topics of employment law.
Michael Timmes, our chapter President, opened the meeting by passing the mic for intro’s.
Welcome New Members and Guests
A big Jersey Shore welcome to our newest members: Melissa Ambrose, Ranae Brenner, Karen Niro, Jackalyn Nowak, Nicole Rucker, Anna Santucci-Braun, Nicole Skrable, and Judy VanBrunt
April 2, 2019
March 2019 Meeting
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Spring is almost here!
We started the March meeting with introductions. Intros are a great way to get to know our members and share some basic HR related announcements.
Remember - renew your annual JSAHR membership. A few member benefits include…
March 8, 2019
February 2019 Meeting
Happy Valentine’s Day! We LOVE our members!
Along with our chapter President, Michael Timmes, we opened the meeting by welcoming new members and guests.
New Members: Doreen Foy, Ron Kasliner, Jennifer Noone, Sandra Pedroso, Carly Rehmann. Glad to have you as part of our chapter.
February 15, 2019
January 2019 Meeting
Happy New Year!
It was great to see everyone after the holiday break. Our chapter President, Michael Timmes, opened the meeting by welcoming new members and guests.
Welcome New Members: Carrie Iappico, Ryan Kastner, Toby Stark
Welcome Guests: Erica Casablanca and Brian Wheeler.
Glad to have you’re here and we hope to see you again soon.
Speaking of membership, it’s that time to renew your annual JSAHR membership.