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Event Details

    Breakfast Meeting - Creating a Culture of Transformational Leaders

    Date: February 14, 2019, 8:00am – 10:00am
    Jumping Brook Country Club
    210 Jumping Brook Road
    Neptune, N.J.
    $30.00 members, $40.00 non-members, $25.00 in-transition and first time guests, $10 students, $10 additional fee for registrations after 2/8
    Event Type:
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    Creating a Culture of Transformational Leaders

    Those of us who are tasked with finding the right people for the right jobs are often challenged by identifying candidates with the desirable leadership qualities. While there are best practices in recruiting, it is not easy to find the best fit by taking into account each candidate’s individuality in personality, behavior, leadership and communication styles.

    This one-hour ‘overview’ talk will provide the attendees with a working blueprint (action plan) they can use to successfully recruit ideal candidates who possess the requisite leadership qualities. It will also assist in transitioning their employees from “managers” who run their daily operations to leaders who can unleash their people’s untapped potential by finding their inner transformational leaders.

    For more information, please click HERE.


    This meeting is sponsorsed by:

    If you’re interested in sponsoring a future meeting, please contact Bob Kane or Dave Kostka.


    February Meeting Fees - Late