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About Us


    To enhance the community workforce by continuing to be a model chapter that provides education and networking resources to HR professionals.


    We provide a welcoming environment which enables HR professionals to network, learn, and grow, while creating a positive impact in the workplace.


    1. Collaboration
      Work together as a unit; lean on and utilize fellow member’s strengths/knowledge/expertise so a goal may be accomplished.               
    2. Professionalism
      Conduct that exhibits integrity and ethics in all aspects of our lives. Accept we are accountable for our commitments as well as our actions.              
    3. Volunteerism
      Share our talents within the Chapter to move our profession and community forward. Understand the sum of our strengths enables us to accomplish what may seem unattainable.
    4. Learning / Growth
      Share knowledge and expertise with fellow members. Present guest speakers who cover diverse topics that stretch us to develop and think critically in this ever changing global environment.
    5. Inviting
      Provide a welcoming, inclusive and non-judgmental atmosphere open to all individuals.